TPM 2 Naxos, Greece 

2nd - 3rd June 2022



On 2nd June 2022, representatives from the four participating partner organisations of the Erasmus+ ClimaX projects met at the Theatrical Museum in the Grotta area of the beautiful Greek island of Naxos.

The meeting was hosted by Professor Sarantos Psycharis Hellenic Education Society of STEM Greece and was chaired by Professor Niki Evelpidou. Also in attendance were representatives from Slovenska Technicka Univerzita v Bratislave (Slovakia), The European Center of Entrepreneurship Competence & Excellence (Austria), Associazione Lumen (Italy) and Skola Felix (Slovakia).

The meeting opened with an overview from Professor Sarantos Psycharis regarding the status of the project and what needs to be discussed and agreed upon during the next two days. Professor Niki Evelpidou opened discussions on the content of the ClimaX Toolkit and proposals for specific teaching and learning activities. 

Giordano Vignoli from the Lumen Association, Italy presented proposals for the development and possible applications of measurement tools using Arduino software and hardware that would incorporate sensors to allow teachers and students to precisely measure changes in such things as carbon dioxide levels, light intensity, temperature, and air pollution levels.

The project partners agreed with the suggestion made by Tomas Hubinsky PhD from The Slovak University of Technology that schools should be provided with a fully functional Arduino prototype consisting of a prescribed cluster of sensors that are user friendly, provides easily interpreted digital data outputs which require little or no technical expertise to operate. It was also agreed that schools would also be provided with instructions within the ClimaX Toolkit to develop Arduino tools further if they should wish to do so.

Giordano Vignoli presentation concluded with an explanation as to how a measurement tool app could be created using App Inventor which would enable students to make precise measurements using a device such as the cell phone.   

Following a short coffee break the Transnational meeting resumed to discuss aspects of the project such as the precise nature of the project’s intellectual outputs, content and teacher training activities.  Following a lengthy discussion, it was agreed by all present that the ClimaX Toolkit would consist of easily resourced experiments into climate processes which are practical/hands-on activities, technologically focussed, or both. It was also agreed that instructions as to how the phone app might be used and how the Arduino sensors can support the hands-on investigations and developed further to meet schools‘ specific needs.  

Following a short coffee break the Transnational meeting resumed to discuss aspects of the project such as the precise nature of the project’s intellectual outputs, content and teacher training activities.  Following a lengthy discussion, it was agreed by all present that the ClimaX Toolkit would consist of easily resourced experiments into climate processes which are practical/hands-on activities, technologically focussed, or both. It was also agreed that instructions as to how the phone app might be used and how the Arduino sensors can support the hands-on investigations and developed further to meet schools‘ specific needs.  

The transnational meeting of ClimaX project partners took place outdoors on the morning of 3rd June 2022.  Attendees met at 09:00 outside the Town Hall in Naxos before walking the coastline to the Laguna, airport. Professor Niki Evelpidou from Hellenic Education Society of STEM was the guide and she provided extremely informative explanations of the effect of climate change along the coastline.   

Lunch was followed by a final transnational meeting of partners led by Professor Sarantos Psycharis to discuss the next streps for the project. Roles were further defined and the responsibilities for realising key goals were deligated to the various partners.  The team agreed that Professor Sarantos Psycharis, the Lumin Association, and the Slovak Technical University would take overall responsibility for finalising the Arduino prototype sensors and phone app while the European Centre of Entrepreneurship and Skola Felix would support efforts in producing the Climax Toolkit, publicising training workshops for teachers, creating the project website and other related activities.


The meeting ended with closing remarks from Professor Sarantos Psycharis.